The Tea Up Story

We are a bay Area food truck specialized in fresh brewed tea and traditional Taiwanese and Hawaiian shaved ice!

Started out as a physical restaurant in 2002, it was extremely popular for years, many people drove up from Fresno just to have a taste of our delicious products. After our owner took a break to focus on other ventures, we are back in business with a brand new creation: the Tea Up Truck!

Quality ingredients are the core here at Tea Up. Every drink we make, we use freshly brewed premium tea leafs that are imported from Taiwan, a variety of natural and delicious flavors ranging from traditional to unique, and numerous carefully-selected, freshly-made yummy toppings. As always, we custom-make every drink to order, so you know it's as special as you!

On of the very few places that provides truly authentic Taiwanese Shaved ice, Tea Up uses real brown sugar made to perfection the old fashion way. Our Hawaiian Shave Ice uses 100% pure cane sugar, premium purees and natural fruit juices/extracts. From the filtered water to the premium flavors and toppings, we always strive to provide the BEST tasting shave ice possible!

So, are you drooling yet?